Accessibility Overview
Our belief is that the web should be easy to use and accessible. With this in mind our website is viewable from any device and allows you to customize your viewing experience in some ways. Below are the recommended specifications for viewing this site with optimal results.
Recommended Specification
This site supports Internet Explorer 8 or later, Firefox, Chrome and Safari on Windows, Mac OSX, Apple iOS version 6 or later, Android version 2.3 or later.
Resizable text
We have not fixed the size of most textual information on our website so that font size can be altered to suit your requirements.
There are a number of ways to change the text size in your browser; the easiest way is to follow the steps below:
Internet Explorer and Firefox:
- Select the 'View' menu.
- Select the 'Text Size' option from the menu.
- Click on the text size you wish to view.
You can also increase & decrease the size of the text by holding down the Ctrl key while using the scroll wheel on your mouse or the ‘+’ (plus) and ‘-‘ (minus) keys.